Villagers attack police team during rape suspect arrest

Published 2023 May 09 Tuesday

Kalikot. A police team in Patala Rural Municipality-6 was attacked by villagers on Monday while attempting to arrest rape suspect Sankalpa Budha, 31. Assistant Police Inspector Lamxi Dhungel Rawat was injured in the attack, while a local resident named Dhan Man BK was injured in retaliation.

Both injured individuals are receiving treatment at a local health post.

Budha had been accused of raping a Dalit woman in the village on October 17, 2022. After the victim's family filed a report with the District Police Office a month later, Budha went into hiding. The police team was mobilized after learning that he had returned to his village.

While Budha was arrested while sleeping at home, the police team was unable to prevent the villagers' attack, resulting in the suspect's escape. The search for Budha is still ongoing.
